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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Candidate profile - Silvana Acevedo

2/3 Hutchison Avenue                                                                                          +61 408 865 352
Beaumaris, Vic 3193                                                                          silvana.acevedo@gmail.com
GIS Spatial Analyst | Remote Sensing | Aquatic Ecologist


Possess a solid multidisciplinary background with extensive experience in the area of aquatic ecology (both laboratory and field) and spatial analysis (GIS). Experienced in sampling design and data analysis. Skilled in managing research staff and scientific research projects, technical and scientific writing, and advising on conservation and management of natural resources; Successful in completion of project deliverables within specific deadlines and liaising with public and government groups. Proficient working with ArcGIS and statistical packages such as SYSTAT and PRIMER.

Proficiency in production of maps using ArcGIS (V10). Management of spatial data including GPS survey points and Web Server imagery.  Competent in creating and editing features coverages and shapefiles. Experienced in managing raster data and conducting spatial data query. Skilled in performed geoprocessing tasks. Proficiency in images processing and post-processing  using ENVI as well as collecting and processing spectral data in the field. Confident in geocoding images, building MashUps maps and HTML programming.


·       Completed my Master of Applied Science (Geospatial Information) Thesis ‘Evaluation of the utility of two classifiers for mapping woody vegetation using remote sensing imagery’ at RMIT University, Australia  (October 2012).
·       Completed several GIS tasks for a range of projects at the Arthur Rylah Institute, Australia (2012-present).
·       Designed a Decision Support Tool for the management of freshwater fish incursions in Australia (December 2011).
·       Managed successful research project on fish larval ecology (for the Wonthaggi Desalination Site Base line study and the Channel Deepening Baywide Monitoring Programs) as a Fisheries Ecologist at the Department of Primary Industries, Queenscliff, Australia.
·       Managed successful research project on freshwater invasive species (fish and aquatic plants) as a Fisheries Officer at the Central Fisheries Board (2004-07).
·       Managed successful research project on early life history of fish as a Post-doctoral Scientist and as a Research Scientist at the National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland (1996-02).
·       Gave an Invited presentation at Hatfiled Marine Science Centre, Fish Larval Laboratory, Newport, USA.
·       Published in peer-reviewed journals and presented results in international conferences.
·       Delivered final reports to stakeholders within the required time-frame.
·       Obtained funding from the Irish Marine Institute, Ireland which investigated cod larval production at the Carna Marine Laboratory, Ireland.
·       Obtained funding from Shannon Regional Fisheries Board, Ireland which leads to successfully conducting my experimental trials to manage the invasive curly weed, Lagarosiphon major in the Corrib River, Ireland. The project received media coverage in Teilifis Gaelige Television (Irish Channel).
·       Improved the efficiency of the Marine Ecology Laboratory at the Department of Primary Industries, Queenscliff, Australia through arranging updates to both equipment and procedures and building a team of 6 staff, including provision of necessary training.
·       Successfully trained a team of 6-staff on fish larval identification.


·       Master in Applied Science, Geospatial Information, RMIT, Australia                      2010
·       Diploma, Geographical Information Systems, University College Cork, Ireland      2005                              11/1994
·       Ph.D., Marine Zoology, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland.                    1994        
·       B.Sc. Oceanography Biology, Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay.                     1989

Senior Scientist                                                                                                                                      2010-present
Department of Sustainability and Environment, Arthur Rylah Institute, Victoria, Australia              

·       Spatial data management including the production of spatial outputs such as maps for survey planning and inclusion in final reports.
·       Created and edited feature coverages, shapefiles, raster data and random points.
·       Conducted spatial queries using identify, find, select and query builder commands.
·       Performed geoprocessing tasks (including buffer, clip, dissolve, join, intersect and union)
·       Calculated areas using field calculator and calculate geometry.
·       Gathered data from the Victoria Biodiversity Atlas (VBA) for construction of species distribution maps using GIS to include in a Species Distribution Model (SDM).
Decision Support Tool (DSS)
·       Develop a web-based decision support tool for the management of freshwater fish incursions in Australia. http://www.feral.org.au/dss/
·       Instigated OH&S work practices, including risk assessment for the shrimp survey.
·       Instigated Animal Ethics procedures for shrimp sampling
·       Organised the blackwater shrimp survey, laboratory processing and data analysis

Fisheries Ecologist                                                                                                         2007-10
Department of Primary Industries, Queenscliff, Victoria, Australia


·       Manual edited image data (sea grass) after misclassification due to spectral similarity.
·       Created random points for field survey
·       Delivered GIS maps for field planning and reports.
·       Managed, supervised and trained a team of 6 staff
·       Managed two Fish and Egg larval projects: the Wonthaggi Desalination Site Base line study and the Channel Deepening Baywide Monitoring Programs.
·       Organised the fish eggs and larval survey sampling and managed laboratory processing
·       Coordinated data entry and data analysis.
·       Instigated OH&S work practices, including risk assessment for the fish eggs and larvae.
·       Instigated Animal Ethics procedures for larval fish.
·       Facilitated two Fish larvae Workshop at DPI.

Fisheries Officer                                                                                                       2004-07
Central Fisheries Board (Inland Fisheries), Dublin, Ireland


·       Constructed Spatial Distribution Maps (SDM) of invasive aquatic plants.
·       Delivered GIS maps to include in final reports and for field planning.
·       Created shapefiles, edited feature coverages and performed geoprocessing tasks
·       Managed, supervised and trained a team of 2-15 field staff.
·       Managed various research project involving invasive aquatic plants and invasive fish.
·       Provided scientific advice to the angling community and Fisheries Boards.
·       Coordinated fisheries field activities (electro-fishing, netting and radio-tagging).
·       Processed samples (scale reading, fish identification, gut content analysis).

  Post Doctoral Researcher                                                                                                             1996- 04
  National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland


·       Produced GIS maps
·       Performed spatial statistical analysis (central tendency of point distributions, dispersion of point distributions, standard deviational ellipse) on fish populations.
·       1st year module – Biology Practical Classes.
·       4th year module – Advanced Topic in Marine Science – Fisheries oceanography.
·       3rd year module – Marine Ecology - Plankton and fisheries survey.
·       Managed, supervised and trained a team of 2-6 staff.
·       Managed two EU funded research projects: The influence of oceanographic processes on the dispersion of commercial fish species and Investigation into hatchery rearing of cod (Gadus morhua) in Irish conditions.
·       Planned and coordinated plankton and benthic surveys.
·       Compiled biological-oceanographic data and maintained a large Excel database.
·       Acted as a principal scientist during various plankton scientific cruises.

·    Victoria Biodiversity Atlas (VBA), Department of Sustainability and Environment.
  • GPS Training Course, Department of Primary Industries, Queenscliff, Australia.
·          Analysis of Multivariate Data using Primer. Plymouth Marine Laboratory. UK.

·      Language: Fluent in Spanish, English and Portuguese (written and spoken).
·       Scuba: PADI Diver Instructor and Scientific Diver
·       Driving: Hold a Full Victorian driving licence.

Acevedo, S and Saddlier, S. 2011. Decision Support Tool for the Management of Invasive Fish Incursion. Feral.org.au  In: http://www.feral.org.au/dss/

Hamer, P. A., Acevedo, S. Jenkins G. P., & Newman, A. 2010. Conectivity of a large embayment and coastal fishery: localized spawning aggregation (s) drive local and broad scale fishery replenishment. Journal of Fisheries Biology, 78, 1090-1109.
Caffrey J.M. &  Acevedo S. 2008. Lagarosiphon major in Lough Corrib – Management options.  In: Moriarty C, Rosell R, Gargan P (eds), Fish Stocks and their Environment. Institute of Fisheries Management, Westport, Co Mayo, pp 85-97.
Caffrey, J. M., Acevedo, S. Gallagher, K., & Britton, J. R. 2008. Chub (Leuciscus cephalus): a new potentially invasive fish species in Ireland. Aquatic Invasions, 3(2), 197-205.
Caffrey, J. M.,&  Acevedo, S. 2008. Nuttall’s Pondweed (Elodea nuttallii) - An Aggressive Invasive Aquatic Plant Species in Carrigadrohid Reservoir, Co Cork. National Fisheries Environment and Biodiversity
Caffrey, J.,&  Acevedo, S. 2007. Case study - Lagarosiphon major: An Aggressive Invasive Species in Lough Corrib. In: http://www.invasivespeciesireland.com/
Ibaibarriaga, L., Irigoien, X., Santos, M.,  Motos, L.,  Fives, J. M., Franco, C.,  Lago, A.,
Acevedo, S., Fives, J.M., &  Dwane, O.  2002.  The community structure of larval fish populations in an area of the Celtic Sea in 1998.  Journal of Marine Science Association. U.K  82, 641-648.
Acevedo, S., & Fives, J.M. 2001. The distribution and abundance of the larval stages of the Myctophid, Benthosema glaciale (Reinhardt), in the Celtic Sea and west Coast of Ireland in 1998.  Biology and Environment: Proceeding of the Royal Irish Academy, 101B (3), 245-249.
Fives, J.M., Acevedo, S., Lloves, M., Whitaker, A., Robinson, K. & King, P. 2001. The distribution and abundance of mackerel larval, Scomber scombrus (L.), horse mackerel, Trachurus trachurus (L.), hake, Merluccius merluccius (L.), and blue whiting Micromesistius poutassou (Risso, 1826) in the Celtic Sea and west coast of Ireland during the years 1980, 1983, 1989 and 1992. Fisheries Research, 50, 17-26.
O’Flynn J., Hoare, A., Hanjavanit, C., Acevedo, S. Adams, A & Mulcahy, M. 1998. Comparative study of PK X and myxosporeans of Wild Fish using monoclonal antibodies and lectins. Parasitology, Aquatic Animal Health. 27,4.
Keegan, B. F., Rhoads, D.C., Germano, J.D., Solan, M., Kennedy, R., O’Connor, I., O’Connor, B., McGrath, D., Dinneen, P., Acevedo, S., Young, S., Grehan, A. & Costelloe, J. 1997. Sediment Profile Imagery (SPI) as a benthic monitoring tool. Introduction to a long-term case history evaluation (Galway Bay, west coast of Ireland) In: Aller, J.Y., Woodin, S.A. and Aller, R.C. (eds.) Organism-Sediment Interactions. Belle W. Baruch Library in Marine Science, University of South Caroline Press. 38pp.
Acevedo, S. & Keegan, B. F. 1996. Reproductive cycle of Thyasira flexuosa (Montagu, 1980) (Bivalvia:Thyasiridae) in inner Galway Bay, West Coast of Ireland. In: B. F. Keegan & R. O’Connor (eds.). Galway University Press Ltd.  143-158.
Bemvenuti, C.E., Acevedo, S. & Netto, S.A., 1992. Carateristics estruturais da macrofauna bentonica en dois pontos da regiao estuarial de Lagoa dos Patos, R.S, Brasil. Atlantica, 4, 5-28.

Saddlier, S. and Acevedo, S. 2011. Decision Support Tool for the Management of Freshwater Fish Incursions – A User Manual for Scientific Reporting. PestSmart Toolkit publication, Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, http://www.feral.org.au/dss/
Harvey, M., Acevedo, S. 2006. Manual of the hatchery cultivation techniques for cod (Gadus morhua) in Irish conditions. Foras na Mara, Eire. 57pp.

Saddlier, S.R., Acevedo, S.and Jones, M (2011). An assessment of fish species, habitat and management options for Moorabool and Kirk’s Reservoirs. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, Department of Sustainability and Environment, Heidelberg, Victoria.
Acevedo, S., Jenkins, G., Kent, J. 2010. The horizontal and vertical distribution of fish eggs and larvae in relation to the proposed desalination plant for Victoria, September to August 2008. Fisheries Victoria Internal Report No. 28, 28pp. Department of Primary Industries, Queenscliff, Victoria, Australia.
Hamer, P. A., Jenkins, G. P., Acevedo S. 2010. Importance of spawning in Port Phillip Bay to local snapper stocks. Fisheries Victoria, Research Report Series No. 37.
Acevedo, S. Jenkins, G., Kent. J. 2010. Baywide Egg and Larval Surveys Sub-Program, Milestone Report No. 111 (Nov. 2009–Jan. 2010). Fisheries Victoria Internal Report Department of Primary Industries, Queenscliff, Victoria, Australia.
Spooner, D., Walker, T., Acevedo, S., Morris L. 2010. Port Phillip Bay Environmental data Review – Biophysical Assessment of Climate Change. Fisheries Victoria Internal Report. Department of Primary Industries, Queenscliff, Victoria, Australia.
Acevedo, S., Caffrey, J. M., Gallagher, K. 2007. Status of the fish stocks in Lough Bridget. Central Fisheries Baord.
Acevedo, S., Caffrey, J. M. and Gallagher, K. 2007. Status of the invasive riparian and aquatic plants species in the River Slaney. Central Fisheries Board Report Series.
Caffrey, J.M., Acevedo, S. and Gallagher , K. 2007. Chub (Leuciscus cephalus):  A new invasive fish species in Ireland. Central Fisheries Board.
Acevedo, S., Caffrey, J. M. and Gallagher, K. 2006. Nutall’s Pondweed (Elodea nuttallii). An aggressive invasive species in the Carrigodrihoid Reservoir. Central Fisheries Board.

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Monday, December 3, 2012

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