Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Candidate profile - Aaron Beatson

Who I am:

My name is Aaron Beatson. During my early to mid-twenties, I worked with two seismic exploration firms: Terrex seismic and Velseis. I began as field hand, distributing and retrieving seismic recording equipment in some of the more remote and beautiful parts of Australia, and later worked as a lead vibroseis operator, scout and surveyor. As a scout, I was responsible for planning the routes for a $2.6 million dollar fleet of AHV-IV 60,000lb peak force vibroseis vehicles, taking into consideration areas of cultural and environmental significance while trying to mitigating risk and maximize production. Finally, as a surveyor, I deployed Trimble GNSS base stations and receivers to acquire positional data for later use in generating DEM’s, and set out shots and offsets for the vibroseis trucks that I would later operate. It was during this time that I developed an appreciation for all things spatial, GPS and G.I.S related.

Working remotely and to a 6:2 FIFO roster left a lot of time for ancillary projects. Living far from civilization for six weeks at a time didn’t leave many opportunities for after work activities, not to mention what to do during the two weeks waiting for the next hitch to start. With this surplus time, I turned my attention to learning Chinese Mandarin. At first I learned on my own with Mp3’s and textbooks. Starting in 2004 I made a few trips to China and undertook intensive language instruction at some universities in Hubei province.
During the lead up to the GFC and for a year afterwards, seismic work was scarce, and so I spent a greater and greater proportion of time in China studying, returning when seismic work was available.
In 2010, I had the fantastic opportunity to travel to Shanghai to work at the Australian Pavilion of the World Expo, and finally put the language I had been studying intermittently over the preceding four years to some practical use.

When the Expo wrapped up, I turned my attention back to G.I.S because I began to see how its application could provide benefits to most all sectors of industry (not least of which at an International event like a world Expo). To this end I enrolled in a Bachelor of Spatial Science Technology with the University of Southern Queensland, which by virtue of the option of an external mode of study, I am able to complete while continuing to live in China.

While I finish my degree, I perform proofreading and editing of technical documents for firms situated in the nearby industrial park.  I correct the grammar and meaning given an English translation and the original Chinese source.

Skills, expertise and qualities
I am proficient in Excel, ArcGIS 10.1 suite, python for ArcGIS scripting, Evernote, Trimble sketchup, layout, Word and Powerpoint.

I am quickly developing a proficiency in Oracle 11g Database, VBA for Excel, and CivilCad.
I am an excellent public speaker, and have an intimate understanding of the Chinese culture and ways of doing business by virtue of having resided here cumulatively for over six years.

Role looking for:
I am interested in collaborating with spatial science or engineering firms that would like to establish a presence in China and am seeking those firms that are willing to engage me in a 'virtual' or 'external' internship while I complete my Bachelor’s degree and other ancillary studies.
With 1800+ days of in China experience and possessing language proficiency, I am in a position to do the leg work in building the required business relationships that are requisite for success in China.
My interest in performing an unpaid internship is threefold.
·         To put to use and thus reinforce the new skills I am developing in my university studies;
·         To accumulate the varied experience necessary to count towards accreditation with the Surveying and Spatial Science Institute (SSSI) as a ‘Geographic Information Systems Professional’;
·         To gain the prerequisite experience required for future employment as a GIS technician/ Systems Analyst/Programmer

I can be contacted through the following media

Email: aaron(at)beatspatial.info

skype: aaron.beatson

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Spatial Jobs News Bulletin: Edition 52

Spatial Jobs Online News Bulletin

December 2013 Issue 52

Welcome to December, Christmas is almost upon us and the weather is warming up… well, sort of. Here in Newcastle it’s been hot, then cold, then raining. Then it rained. And then it rained some more.

Managers have been spoiled for choice recently, with a great deal of high-level jobs being posted on the site. We now move into the quieter part of the year before January where we get crazy busy again with new postings.

This month we’re profiling Gwen Williams, a Canadian GIS professional looking to build on her Australian experience.

Don’t forget, if you have an interesting article you think would be good to see in the newsletter, please feel free to drop it over to us at info@spatialjobs.com.au

We’ve got the spotlight on TAFE NSW Riverina Institute, specialists in distance education and GIS courses. Here’s what they have to say about their courses:

Our comprehensive courses, specialising in spatial information services using Geographical Information Systems (GIS), are tailored to anyone who is interested in the spatial information sector. Our delivery modes specialise in distance-education and on-line, but we offer blended options to ensure our students/clients needs are met.

We hope you all enjoy this edition of the bulletin.


Landing a GIS job and GIS skills development in 2013 (American, but the concepts are transferable)

Candidate Profile

Quote of the week
Tweet of the week

Two possibilities exist: Either we are alone in the universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.
- Arthur C Clarke

Bridger Winegar @bridger_w

“I’d rather hear the sound of a phone taking pictures in a public restroom than hear a woman say “We need to talk””



PSMA Australia
Adcorp Australia
EastCoast HR Group
NSW Trade & Investment


Job Seekers

The social bit:

This news bulletin has been brought to you by Spatial Jobs Online

If you are interested in having your article, press release or company or personal profile listed at no charge please contact Andrew Luks at info@spatialjobs.com.au

Thanks for your time, I hope you have a great weekend!

Andrew Luks
Spatial Jobs Online
PO Box 1700 Newcastle NSW 2300

You are receiving this email as an employer who has advertised on the Spatial jobs web site or have subscribed to the Spatial Jobs Newsletter. If you no longer wish to receive emails from Spatial Jobs please click here to Unsubscribe

Candidate Profile: Gwen Williams

I am a Canadian recently arrived in Australia looking to accelerate my career using my education and experience in GIS. I am self-motivated and result-oriented in my approach to work and enjoy working in challenging and dynamic environments. I am seeking an employment opportunity where my skills in GIS will facilitate the exploration and analysis of spatially related data to enhance the value, efficacy, and accuracy of decision making processes.


Mobile:             0406 360 014
Email:                 gwalwi(at)gmail.com
Visa:                Unrestricted 2.5 year work visa
Licence:           Class C Open Manual Queensland Driver Licence

Employment Experience:

May 2013 – July 2013   Temporary GIS Officer                       
                                 GIS Recruitment, BRISBANE QLD

Jan 2012 – Feb 2013     Travelled throughout Canada, USA, and Europe

Aug 2011 – Nov 2011   Contract Project Geologist
                                Galore Creek Mining Corp., VANCOUVER, British Columbia

Oct 2007 – July 2008          Manager Corporate Development

                                       Crosshair Exploration & Mining Corp., VANCOUVER, British Columbia

Mar 2006 – Sept 2006   Contract Exploration Geologist

                                        Miramar Mining Corp., VANCOUVER, British Columbia

May 2003 – Feb 2006           Research Assistant

                                        University of British Columbia, VANCOUVER, British Columbia

Technical Skills:

·      GIS analysis, data fusion, and spatial modelling (ESRI ArcGIS)
·      GPS data collection and processing
·      Geodatabase creation and management (Oracle SQL Developer and ArcSDE)
·      CAD-based 3D geologic modelling (MineSight Mining Software)
·      Processing, classification, and interpretation of RADAR, Landsat, SPOT imagery (PCI Geomatica)
·      Production of concise field reports, geologic maps, stratigraphic sections, and cross-sections
·      Core logging and rock/mineral identification
·      Water, sediment, and rock sampling techniques for geochemical analyses
·      Python programming

Tertiary Qualifications / Certifications:

2010 - 2011       Advanced Diploma in Geographic Sciences (GIS Concentration) with Honours
(Centre of Geographic Sciences - Nova Scotia)

2008 - 2010       M.Sc. Earth Sciences (Dalhousie University - Nova Scotia)
- Applied GIS techniques, cartography, and geochemistry to better understand the distribution of contaminants in sediments in Halifax Harbour (Nova Scotia, Canada)

1999 - 2004       B.Sc. Honours Geological Science (University of British Columbia - British Columbia)