Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Location Intelligence Government & Industry Thinktank - Sydney Thursday 9 August

The location of anything is becoming everything"

The NSW Government is improving its ability to efficiently share and analyse information between agencies and with others to maximise the value of government information assets and provide opportunities for the delivery of new and better services. 

Come along and help shape the implementation of the Location Intelligence and NSW ICT strategies to harness the power of shared information.

When: 10.00 am - 5.00 pm, Thursday 9 August 2012 (registration from 9.30 am)

Where: The Mint, Macquarie Street Sydney

Please rsvp to Helen.Kemp@lpi.nsw.gov.au by Friday 20 July. 

Please feel free to pass this invitation onto others who you think may be interested in participating. However, to ensure the broadest possible participation, seats at this event are limited to one per organisation. Additional seats may be identified post 20 July - a waiting list will be created.

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